Oxford Primary Dictionary for East Africa (OPDEA)

ISBN: 9780194420952Author: Oxford

KES 920.00

The up-to-date dictionary with all the syllabus vocabulary for primary schools in Eastern and Central Africa
* Oxford 2000 — the most useful and important words to learn — marked with a key
* All the words and phrases that you need in your lessons
* Extra help with spelling, pronunciation and grammar in note boxes
* Prepare for your exams with the vocabulary you need

* Over 17,500 words and phrases

* 600 illustrations — understand and remember words

* 1,000 notes — get it right!

* 11,700 example sentences -use words correctly

* Word Family and Word Building boxes — learn new words
Understand words with the opposite or same meaning


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The up-to-date dictionary with all the syllabus vocabulary for primary schools in Eastern and Central Africa
* Oxford 2000 — the most useful and important words to learn — marked with a key
* All the words and phrases that you need in your lessons
* Extra help with spelling, pronunciation and grammar in note boxes
* Prepare for your exams with the vocabulary you need

* Over 17,500 words and phrases

* 600 illustrations — understand and remember words

* 1,000 notes — get it right!

* 11,700 example sentences -use words correctly

* Word Family and Word Building boxes — learn new words
Understand words with the opposite or same meaning



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