Oxford Basic English Dictionary 4th Edition (OBED)

ISBN: 9780194333665Author: Oxford

UGX 32,000.00

Learn the most important words- and how to use them.

  • 2,000 keywords show you the most important words to learn.
  • 500 notes on spelling, grammar and speaking mean you avoid mistakes.
  • 1,100 synonyms and opposites help you learn more words.
  • 120 pronunciation boxes help you say the word correctly.

What’s in this dictionary?

  • 19,000 British and American words and phrases explained in easy language.
  • 13,000 examples help you use the words correctly.
  • 400 illustrations and photos explain difficult words.
  • 16 study pages cover skills such as telephoning, letter writing and everyday conversation.
  • 8 picture pages include topics such as transport, fruit and vegetables and the body.

Oxford- the world’s authority on the English language.

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Learn the most important words- and how to use them.

  • 2,000 keywords show you the most important words to learn.
  • 500 notes on spelling, grammar and speaking mean you avoid mistakes.
  • 1,100 synonyms and opposites help you learn more words.
  • 120 pronunciation boxes help you say the word correctly.

What’s in this dictionary?

  • 19,000 British and American words and phrases explained in easy language.
  • 13,000 examples help you use the words correctly.
  • 400 illustrations and photos explain difficult words.
  • 16 study pages cover skills such as telephoning, letter writing and everyday conversation.
  • 8 picture pages include topics such as transport, fruit and vegetables and the body.

Oxford- the world’s authority on the English language.


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