Our People

At OUPEA, we believe that intellectual capital is critical to providing innovative solutions and, ultimately, having a positive and lasting impact in all we do.

Over the years, we have been fortunate to attract some of the most talented professionals in our publishing industry. Our people are our most valuable asset. They make us stand out differently and they stay to build rewarding careers because of our mission, commitment and high expectation for excellence. They are skilled problem solvers that believe challenges can be opportunities.

Our Value System/Doing it the Oxford way

Our Four Mission Success Factors define the elements that contribute to successful delivery of our mission.

  • Reach – disseminating materials of excellent quality to as many people as possible
  • Reputation – protecting the quality and ethical standards associated with our Company
  • Impact – achieving outcomes that change people’s lives
  • Sustainability – ensuring we operate for the long-term

Everything we do at OUPEA is guided by this set of principles which define our character and culture. These enduring qualities are the shared convictions that we bring to our professional and personal conduct. They are fundamental strength of our business.